Erasmus+ project DigiENTAiD has started!

Digital Toolkit

In March 2022, we have started working on the new Erasmus+ project Digital First Aid Kit ENTrepreneur’s for recovering from COVID-19 pandemic, together with partners from Romania, Germany, Portugal & Cyprus.

The objective of the project is to support small businesses and self-employed at risk of failing in the COVID-induced crisis as a consequence of outdated, non-digital business models to become crisis resilient through digital business models and digital outreach to customers.

The project activities will include the following:

  • Creating a matrix of Crisis Resilience and Digital Customer Retention Competencies for Small Businesses and self-employed;
  • Creating a self-assessment tool for the digital readiness of small businesses and self-employed, on a technical, personal and organisational level;
  • Testing and applying a targeted training toolkit with 25 consultants through 3 days of face-to-face training;
  • Developing a blended training program “crisis resilience, business sustainability and digital readiness” for vulnerable small businesses.

We are looking forward to the project a lot!

some More interesting reading:

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