THE BRIEF is a website, created for an Erasmus+ funded project which is coordinated by us (Dermol Digital Business Solutions) and involves two additional project partners: Fakulteta za varstvo okolja from Slovenia and Osservatorio CSIG from Taranto, Italy.
Microplastics are becoming a global ecological problem; with the help of this project, we would like to increase awareness about microplastics among young people, teachers, and educational institutions. We would like to offer the teachers some quality teaching material that may be used in schools as curricular or extracurricular teaching resources and we would also like to foster discussion on the topic in the general public, possibly leading to reflection about possible solutions to the problem.
The duration of the project is 18 months, from 1.11.2021 until 30.4.2023.
In the first phase, we started by creating a brochure website that gives the visitors all the essential information about the (MicPlaPROB) project. After that, during the project lifetime, we will also create an online learning platform with all the learning materials.
We used the WordPress Content Management System for the website.
We are taking care of the website & the online platform in the future (technical & content part) and working closely with the other project partners from 2 different countries.
Have a look at the website!