Gender Equality Plan

gender equality

1. Publication

This Gender Equality Plan (GEP) is a formal document published on DERMOL d.o.o.’s official website. It has been endorsed and signed by the top management to demonstrate our commitment to gender equality in the workplace.

2. Dedicated Resources

  • Commitment of Human Resources: DERMOL d.o.o. will allocate dedicated human resources to implement and oversee the GEP. This will include appointing a Gender Equality Officer responsible for managing and monitoring progress.
  • Gender Expertise: We will seek to integrate gender expertise within our HR department and consult external experts when necessary to ensure the effective implementation of gender equality measures.

3. Data Collection and Monitoring

  • Sex/Gender Disaggregated Data: We will collect and maintain sex/gender disaggregated data on all personnel. This includes recruitment, promotion, pay, and other employment-related factors.
  • Annual Reporting: An annual report will be prepared to assess progress against predefined indicators related to gender equality. This report will be published on our website and shared with all employees.

4. Training

  • Awareness Raising: We will conduct regular awareness-raising sessions on gender equality and unconscious gender biases for all staff members and decision-makers.
  • Mandatory Training: Gender equality training will be mandatory for new hires and will be refreshed annually for all employees.

5. Content-Wise Areas

  • Work-Life Balance and Organisational Culture:

We are introducing flexible working arrangements and supporting work-life balance, including parental leave and remote working options.

We are promoting an inclusive organisational culture through regular events and communication that emphasize gender equality.

  • Gender Balance in Leadership and Decision-Making:

We are setting targets to increase the representation of women and other underrepresented genders in leadership positions.

We are implementing mentorship and leadership development programs to support career advancement for all genders.

  • Gender Equality in Recruitment and Career Progression:

We are adopting gender-neutral language in job descriptions and recruitment processes.

We are ensuring equal opportunities in career progression through transparent evaluation criteria and support for professional development.

  • Integration of the Gender Dimension into Research and Teaching Content:

We are encouraging the inclusion of gender perspectives in all research and development projects.

We are providing training for staff on integrating gender dimensions into their work.

  • Measures Against Gender-Based Violence Including Sexual Harassment:

We are establishing clear policies and procedures for reporting and addressing gender-based violence and sexual harassment.

We are providing regular training on these policies and ensuring that all employees are aware of how to seek support and report incidents.

6. Review and Revision

This GEP will be reviewed and updated annually to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Feedback from employees will be solicited to improve the plan and address any emerging issues related to gender equality.

Latest update: September 10, 2024

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