Zaključna ocena projekta NUCIF

Nucif projekt - odlična ocena

Evropska komisija je ob zaključku trajanja projekta NUCIF – Network of Universities for the Meeting and Integration of Frontiers projekt pregledala in ocenila, ocenila je tudi učno platformo, ki je bila v celoti naše delo.

Veseli in ponosni smo ob prejemu pošte s strani naročnika – italijanske univerze Università degli Studi di Bari – Aldo Moro, ki je bila koordinatorka projekta:

Dear all,

it is with great pleasure that I communicate to you that the implementation of NUCIF project has been assessed as “VERY GOOD” by the European Commission.

As you will see in the letter attached, this is the highest category of evaluation we could get.
It has been an honour working with you and I’m really happy, satisfied about the results achieved and about this appreciation.

Proyecto NUCIF | Network de Universidades para el Conocimiento y la Integracion de Frontera
Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education

Še en projekt je pod streho!


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